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Trademark Notice

TrioSoft™, TrioSoft™ (stylized), the TrioSoft Logo and Quantum™ are trademarks licensed by TrioSoft, LLC. The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of trademark or other intellectual property rights of TrioSoft, LLC.

Trademark Usage Policy

This Trademark Usage Policy sets forth the proper use of trademarks and logos, (collectively “Trademarks” of TrioSoft, LLC., subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “TrioSoft”) by our licensees, authorized resellers, and other parties who have obtained TrioSoft's consent to use TrioSoft's Trademarks on their promotional materials, instructional materials, websites, packaging, labels or elsewhere. This policy helps us protect our valuable trademark rights. If you're a licensee of any TrioSoft Trademarks or an authorized reseller of TrioSoft products and have specific trademark usage guidelines in your agreement with us, please follow those guidelines.

When referencing TrioSoft Trademarks, always include the proper notation after the name and logo, as noted above. Always use the complete Trademark in all communications. Never abbreviate a TrioSoft Trademark to create an acronym. When using a TrioSoft Trademark, never vary the spelling, add or delete hyphens, make two words one, or make one word two. Never make a TrioSoft Trademark possessive or plural. Do not combine TrioSoft Trademarks with your or any third-party names or trademarks. TrioSoft logos may only be used under a separate written license from TrioSoft. TrioSoft Trademarks may not be used as part of the product name for any third-party product. Products may be co-branded with a TrioSoft mark only by written agreement with TrioSoft. By using a TrioSoft Trademark, you are acknowledging that TrioSoft is the owner of all right, title, and interest in the Trademark, that all use of the TrioSoft Trademark inures to TrioSoft’s benefit, that you will not interfere with or challenge TrioSoft's rights in the Trademark, and that you will not use the TrioSoft Trademark in a way that violates any law or harms the TrioSoft brand. No person or entity may reproduce or use (or authorize the reproduction or use of) any TrioSoft Trademark in any manner other than expressly authorized by TrioSoft.